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Dating and Safe Sex

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 12 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Sex Safe Sex Safety Date Safe Dating One

Sex is fun and we all do it, but be sure that you have a sensible approach, consider your safety and take steps to protect yourself before you indulge.

We all have sex. Some more than others. Whether you are in a committed long term relationship or indulging in a few one night stands, it is always important to practice safe sex. There really isn’t any excuse. It doesn’t make you less fun, more promiscuous or less spontaneous, it just makes you sensible.

The best thing to do it be prepared with contraception so you don’t have to think about it when you are getting down and dirty. If you don’t have any though, don’t do it. It’s that simple.


Always carry condoms with you – and use them. There is nothing promiscuous about having a sensible approach to sex and if you are going to indulge in a one night stand, you need to do it in the right way. It is likely you know next to nothing about your date’s sexual history so protect yourself from STDs. If your date refuses to use a condom, don’t back down or give in to desire, it’s just not worth the risks. Stand your ground and if they still refuse then don’t have sex with them – one night of passion is just not worth it!

Where to do it

A club toilet may not be very sexy but it is safer than driving to a secluded spot. Wherever you decide to do it, you need to feel safe and know that you can get away or alert someone if things get out of control. If you live with someone, then going back to yours is a good plan as you will have your housemate for security. If you live on your own, then think carefully before taking your date back. Be sure you have access to a phone and can escape if you need to. It is best not to go back to theirs initially.

Changing Your Mind

Maybe the alcohol is wearing off or maybe you are just having second thoughts. Either way there is nothing wrong with changing your mind. Your date might accuse you of leading them on or being a tease but never go through with sex just because you feel pressurised to do so. That being said, don’t let it get so far that you put yourself in danger of being attacked if you date becomes angry at your change of heart.

Accidents Happen

However safe you are and even if you religiously use condoms, unfortunately accidents do happen. Whether it slipped off, broke or leaked you need to take a new course of action. The next morning get yourself to a doctors or family planning clinic. They can give you emergency contraception which is more effective the sooner it is taken.

It is also a very good idea to have an STD test. Many sexually transmitted diseases don’t have any symptoms even common ones can be dangerous like Chlamydia which can lead to infertility. If you have sex often with different partners it is sensible to schedule regular STD tests even if you always use condoms as they can be transmitted through oral sex and genital contact as well.

So go ahead, have sex, enjoy yourself. Just make sure you are happy in any decision that you make and that you consider your safety as a priority. However great the sex is, it is not worth risking your physical, sexual or mental health for.

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